What is the digital marketing
Digital marketing trends are an interesting phenomenon that occurs in business activities. Digital marketing is strategy companies, or businesses use for marketing purposes using digital media or the internet. The use of digital marketing as a marketing method is also known as a digital campaign or digital campaign.
Experts also convey the definition of digital marketing based on their individual opinions. The purpose of digital marketing, according to experts, is as follows:

1. Kleindl and Burrow
According to Kleindl and Burrow, digital marketing is the process of planning and implementing marketing concepts based on ideas, prices, and forms of promotion to the distribution process.
Based on the definition above, it can be understood that, in simple terms, digital marketing is an activity or economic interaction that gives birth to an advantage between consumers and producers.
2. Heidrick and Struggles
Heidrick and Struggles pay special attention to digital marketing by defining digital marketing as using digital technology to introduce a product to the broader community. As a result, it affects the level of sales of a product.
3. Ridwan Sanjaya and Joshua Tarigan
Ridwan Sanjaya and Josua Tarigan define digital marketing as a marketing activity that uses media as a promotional tool, such as websites, blogs, Adwords, etc. Even technological developments also deliver promotional methods through social media to reach a wider community.
In the business world in Indonesia, recently, many marketing trends have been found in digital form, so when a company wants to market a product, it no longer requires marketers to go into the field through the door-to-door method.
The use of digital marketing in a company is carried out to encourage the level of sales of a product from a company. So this is very important for every company to know.
Advantages of Using Digital Marketing as a Promotional Media

Digital marketing trends are increasing day by day. This proves that digital marketing is very efficient and effective in helping promote a product.
Some of the benefits that can be felt based on digital marketing trends are as follows:
a. Wide Range
Marketing strategies through digital marketing are believed to reach all levels of society, both those living in urban areas and those in rural areas. This broad reach is delivered through communication technology so that anyone can access the promotional media.
b. Easier Evaluation and Projection
In promotional media such as s.id, companies or business actors can quickly find out how the product is progressing in the field. This can be seen from the increase in viewers for the products being promoted. In addition, there are also criticisms and suggestions from consumers regarding the products being advertised, so this will help in the product improvement process.