Maybe some of you are already familiar with BNSP. But, for those who don't know, BNSP itself is a National Professional Certification Agency that provides opportunities for anyone who wants to have a professional certificate in the field they are engaged in. So, what about BNSP digital marketing? To find out more, see the restrictions below.
Get to know BNSP Digital Marketing

After you get to know a little about BNSP, this time, we will learn about BNSP in digital marketing. Having a professional certificate in digital marketing makes it easier for you to find a job or set up your own business closely related to digital marketing.
In addition to upgrading capabilities, the existence of a BNSP in the digital marketing field also makes you have confidence in the eye of the public profession. That way, it can be easier to attract the market you target.
That's why certification at BNSP in the digital field is often referred to as a means of facilitating and succeeding in the digital marketing media that you build.
Well, in the implementation itself, there are several stages that you need to know. Among the steps of filing for certification in BNSP digital marketing are as follows.
• Pre-Assessment
As the name implies, pre means before, and assessment means exam. This stage is matters related to certification preparation and is carried out before the digital marketing certification exam.
This first stage can generally be in the form of interviews or questions and answers about the certification you want to pursue. Therefore, prepare yourself and make sure you are confident in taking the BNSP certification in the digital marketing field to answer pre-assessment questions smoothly.
• Competency Test Type of Written Test
The next stage after the pre-assessment is a written test. You need to pay attention to several things in this one test. You were related to the type of BNSP certification to be taken, registration flow, grid, time, and place of implementation. However, in this case, what you want to deepen is in the field of digital marketing. Just take it and deepen the material related to digital marketing.
• Competency Test Types of Practical Tests
Furthermore, after taking the written test, you also need to take a practical test. Of course, the practice here is adjusted to the profession you take. If you choose digital marketing, your practical test will also be related to this.
• Announcement
After you have finished going through several stages above, the next stage is the announcement. The announcement here will determine whether or not you pass the BNSP certification test in the digital marketing field that has been carried out.
In addition to improving your ability in digital marketing for business development, don't forget to follow the latest tricks in showing the credibility of your business or business identity. One of them is to use the tool, which makes it easier for other people to see all the information you want to convey.
Well, that's the discussion about BNSP digital marketing that you might need to expand your knowledge about digital marketing.